
Customer Testimonials

Hank Gentile

Resident Engineer | Kleinfelder

“Select Electric has been very flexible and accommodating on the contracts we have worked together on. Without fail, your company has responded to challenges on the job, dedicating the necessary skilled manpower and equipment to meet deadlines and emergencies, respond to changes and move the job forward. Thanks for your positive contributions, efforts, and dedication to the projects.”

Jason Stack

Stack Traffic Consulting | President

“Select Electric has successfully built many projects I have engineered or inspected over the years. I have great confidence in their personnel and especially the field crews; who have the right combination of experience and pride in work to get the job done right. It is a pleasure to work with Select.”

David Sharpnack

Project Manager | Skanska USA Civil

“Working in this industry, it is very important to be adaptable, proactive, innovative all while meeting schedules and delivering a quality project to the client. Efforts to minimize costs and partner with all stakeholders is a certain necessity for a successful project. Select Electric has delivered on all the aforementioned aspects each and every time we have had the opportunity to work together.”

Janna McKhann

President | NexTech Systems, Inc.

“NexTech Systems Inc.  has been doing business with Select Electric since 2000. We have had a great working relationship for the past 14 years, and the end users we both serve also value the performance offered by Select Electric.  The staff at Select Electric has been professional and very hardworking to make sure that projects are done correctly and on schedule. From the estimators, to the project managers, field
crew and the accounts payable department they are all helpful and knowledgeable.”

Jason A. Mordhorst, P.E.

President | Hazard Construction

“Select Electric does a wonderful job covering all electrical aspects of any public works project. Their bids are complete and timely, their execution in the field is flawless.”

Nibras Romaya, P.E.

Associate Engineer – Electrical | City of San Diego

“I have been working with Select Electric for over 10 years and they have proven the ability to handle any project. Select Electric has the skill to anticipate situations that can arise during the course of construction. They have the experience to provide solutions that would work for almost any situation we face in the field for traffic signal and street lighting installations. I feel that Select Electric would be an asset to any agency that chooses to engage their services.”

John Pewtress

Outside Sales | CES Chula Vista

“One of the most professional estimators providing the details we need to be accurate and timely.”